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Archive for February, 2009

The Linux Chronicles – Blue Smoke and ….


….agony. So there I am on Monday night, reading Craig’s List and minding my own business when I hear a little pop from my laptop, my venerable 7 year old Dell Inspiron. Simultaneously, the screen goes blank and a wisp of magic blue smoke leaks out. Damn! My machine has committed suicide. Just when I […]

Posted by neonjohn on February 27th, 2009 under Computing | Comment now »

The Linux Chronicles – Virtual Machines


Imagine being able to run Linux programs and Windows at the same time on the same machine. No, I’m not talking about Wine, the Windows emulator. I’m talking about running genuine Windows XP as an application under Ubuntu. Well, Imagine no more. If you look at the screen capture to the left you’ll see the […]

Posted by neonjohn on February 17th, 2009 under Computing | 3 Comments »

The Linux Chronicles – Installing a New Hard Drive


There comes a time in any computer’s life when a larger hard drive is necessary.  In my case, the time came quickly, as I had installed Linux on an old 40 gig drive just to see if I liked it.  I obviously did, hence this series, so a larger drive quickly became a necessity. I […]

Posted by neonjohn on February 17th, 2009 under Computing | 3 Comments »

The Linux Chronicles – Off the Reservation


… and paying for it. I’m just now coming up for air after about 4 days of round the clock hacking trying to get an HDR (high dynamic range) and panorama stitching program called Hugin to run.  This includes about 4 hours sleep.  I have a  nasty habit of assaulting computer problems full force and […]

Posted by neonjohn on February 1st, 2009 under Computing | Comment now »


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