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Archive for May, 2011

Anatomy of a Bogus Headline


For a few days the headlines about Fukushima screamed that Unit 2 and Unit 4’s spent fuel pit “reignited” their nuclear reactions long after March 11th. As a nuke, these kinds of headlines make me cringe with disgust because they’re almost always false. The problem is that there is rarely enough original source information to […]

Posted by neonjohn on May 11th, 2011 under Energy, Nuclear | 4 Comments »

Fukushima Update 05/05/2011


Another Nail in the Coffin of the Linear-No-Threshold (LNT) theory of radiation effects. A friend sent me this absolutely juicy article in which the author uses the Union of Concerned Scientists (LNT is their only reason for existence) cancer estimates against them. Here is the article. In a nutshell, they applied the USC’s “any radiation […]

Posted by neonjohn on May 5th, 2011 under Energy, Nuclear | 3 Comments »


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