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Cherohula Skyway Closed by Mud Slide
PermaLinkUp here in the Tellico Mountains, we’ve been busy building Arks. Over the 3rd week of January we got a total of about 8 inches of rain plus a little snow! That replenished the badly needed ground water and brought the Tellico Rivery back up to snuff but it also had some bad effects.
One effect is a mud slide that closed the Cherohula Skyway at about the TN/NC line. The Skyway is a destination for those who like to ride sport bikes, drive sports cars or just see some beautiful scenery. It connects Tellico Plains, TN with Robbinsville,NC.
On about the 17th of January, a huge mud slide took out a good hunk of the roadway and resulted in Tn-DOT closing the road completely. The next day my friend and neighbor Vicki J and another friend Tracy drove up to look at and photograph the damage. Here are Vicki’s photos.
The damage is extensive enough that the road will probably be closed through at least most of the summer riding season. No word yet from TN-DOT about a time to repair.
02/03/2013 update: With speed that I didn’t know a government agency could pull off, TN/NC-DOT has the Skyway back open. I haven’t driven up to see what they’ve done but I’ve heard that they removed the guard rail on the other side and made a lane out of the shoulder. In any event, it’s back open and all is well.
Posted by neonjohn on January 27th, 2013 under RV/Camping, Tellico
March 28th, 2013 at 7:28 pm
Hi John,
I was trying to email you with an RV question, but I use Yahoo for email and couldn’t figure out how to make your link show me the email address… anywho, I have a ’93 southind fleetwood diesel pusher that I bought a year ago. We’ve been full timing in it for a little over 3 month and apparently there is a crack in the headgasket and a “turbo leak”? They are quoting about $5000 for the repair at a cummins repair shop. We paid $11k for it and already put $4k into it. I’m thinking trade in, but my husband is leaning towards repairing it just to avoid the headache of re registering it and repaying taxes etc. Plus we are far from home. Any suggestions, advice? Thanks so much! I think your website/blog is great!!!